Software Requirment Form

Welcome to MyHindTech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. , Submit Your Requirment , Team will Connect you ASAP after submit your Requiremnt.

© 2024 MyHindTech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

1/7General Informarion

2/7Project Detail

No, I need assistance with requirements analysis/definition/clarification.
Yes, I have all requirements in hand and am in search of a developer.

3/7Design Preferences

Yes, I would like to use what I have.
Yes, but I'd like to consider a redesign.
No, I do not have a logo and need help with a redesign.

4/7Features & Functionalities

Document Upload
Client login
Payment gateway integration
Any other third party integration


Use the content of our existing site.
We will provide you with the content in electronic format.
We have brochures and other literature, which you can use to develop the content with our guidelines.
Yes, I will provide all such images that are to be used.
No, I expect them to be provided as a part of the new design scope.


Yes, please list your domain name(s):
No, we will register and provide you with the information.
No, we need help with registration.
Don’t know. Help me!
I use a hosting company.
I host my own website.
I am looking for a web host.
Don’t know. Help me!

7/7Tell us about yourself

$500 - $1000
$1000 - $2000
$2000 - $3000
$3000 - $5000
$5000 - $10,000
$10,000 +